Introduction to the Four Keys of Mindfulness as taught by MLP, the Mindful Life Program.

Stabilize your emotions, focus your thoughts, and open your heart.

A course facilitated by Dr. Assaad Mounzer, M.D., MA, PCC, FACS.
One hour a week, for 4 weeks, On Zoom.

New dates to be announced. Online course.

A Meaningful Life is lived with Attention and Intention. Our teacher John Bruna said in his book “The wisdom of a meaningful Life” that we must learn to direct our attention where we want it and hold it there. To find more about the MLP program check the website:

The purpose of this training is to introduce you to the four pillars of Mindfulness, and to start a meditation practice, to reduce Stress and Anxiety, and to live a more meaningful life in alignment with your purpose and your values.

You will learn to set intentions, apply forgiveness and self-compassion, and achieve goals more effectively.

  • Attention: Create Focus

  • Wisdom: Seeing clearly

  • Clarify Your Values

  • Open Your Heart

Investment: $ 47.00 per person.

Languishing to Flourishing, the road is paved with good Intentions.

Take Actions to make it Real.

Steps to Lead you from Languishing to Flourishing for Busy Professionals

Online Course, Facilitated by Dr. Assaad Mounzer, M.D., MA, PCC.
1.0 hours a week for 8 weeks.

Dates: new Dates to be announced.

The road is paved with good Intentions.
Change does not happen overnight.
Take Actions to make it Real. This is a more extensive workshop on creating a self-care plan for yourself, on all levels, physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual.
Nurture your self-esteem. Cultivate the 5 pillars of Emotional Intelligence, build more Resilience, and clarify your Mission and purpose.

Objectives of the training:

1. Enhance your Self-Caring, Self-Compassion, Self-Guidance, Self-Acceptance. And Self-Forgiveness.

2. Mindful Awareness. Learn how to steady your mind and become more focused.

3. Live according to your Values and personal ethics. Nurture your Character Strengths.

4. Connection, Gratitude, Kindness: Learn how to find the beauty in small things, appreciate everything you have, and experience more satisfaction in your life.

5. Insight, Confidence (self-worth): Learn how to let go of shame and satisfy your core needs. Stand up against harsh criticism in your mind against yourself. You are a good person worthy of love and respect.

6. Calm, Learn to cool your anger and become more relaxed. Learn to respond instead of reacting. Solidify your emotional and mental balance.

7. Courage, Learn how to become assertive and rise to challenges. Improve your self-esteem, use challenges as steppingstones for your growth and upliftment.

8. Purpose/Aspiration, Live purposefully, consciously decide what it is you want to do with your life and do it. Identify the direction in which your life is headed.

Change does not happen overnight. Learn to practice living mindfully every day and reap the rewards.

Breakthroughs You Will Experience:

  • Sharpen your mind, balance your emotions, and relax your body.

  • Achieve goals with clarity and more effectiveness.

  • Establish a self-care plan, and a Mindfulness Practice.     

  • Find your purpose, and experience more energy, more enthusiasm, and more fulfilment.

  • Build resilience on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Experience Grief as a healing process.

  • Write your Mission Statement and Enhance inner peace, joy and genuine happiness.

Investment: Donation to the Mounzer Foundation, $ 120.00.

The Mounzer Foundation for Service and Education is a 501(C)3 NGO. All proceeds are used to help Students who cannot afford their tuition, in Lebanon.